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The real reason for the slave mask


This post is part of The Matrix series.

the new normal sheep
Technocracy and transhumanism are tied at the hip.

My best source on the covid operation so far is "Covid-19", Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy by David A. Hughes. Nothing makes me more motivated to do my part in the current war against humanity than seeing young kids wearing the face mask aka. slave mask from Asia to Latin America. Here I will share his take on the real horrific reason to normalize the slave mask globally in 2020. If you are sensitive please do not read this book before you have improved your mental and emotional stability with my Health Tips or whatever works for you. Below is from chapter 3.

Face Masks as Instruments of Psychological Torture

Extremely disturbing about the images from Guantánamo Bay, for our purposes, is that the inmates are all wearing blue surgical face masks. In one image from Amnesty International (2020), goggles, gloves, caps, and earmuffs are not being worn but face masks are. It seems difficult to escape the conclusion that the mandatory wearing of such masks has something to do with psychological torture. Certainly, face masks restrict breathing, and they are psychologically humiliating, insofar as they make the wearer look ridiculous/grotesque (Potts, 2020), serve no useful purpose (Jefferson et al., 2023; Children’s Health Defence, n.d.), resemble muzzles (Hitchens, 2020), and are associated with slavery (Stephens Nuwer, 2016, p. 145; Strongman, 2021), servitude (Greenwald, 2021), and sadomasochism (Needham, 2014). The face masks at Guantánamo Bay may also be another form of self-inflicted pain, with inmates too frightened to pull them down for fear of punishment.

According to the KUBARK Manual, “whereas pain inflicted on a person from outside himself may actually focus or intensify his will to resist, his resistance is likelier to be sapped by pain which he seems to inflict upon himself” (CIA, 1963, p. 94). For example, ordering a prisoner to stand to attention or sit on a stool for a prolonged period may be more effective than a beating, because if the prisoner complies with the order,

His conflict is then an internal struggle. As long as he maintains this position, he is attributing to the [captor] the ability to do something worse, but there is never a showdown where the [captor] demonstrates this ability. After a period of time, the subject may exhaust his internal motivational strength. (CIA, 1983, § K-10)

Wearing a face mask on command is a seemingly innocuous act, like being told to stand or sit for an extended period of time. Seldom does it come to a “showdown” where a person is physically compelled to wear a mask; most people consent to wearing one.

When worn for long periods of time in non-sterile conditions, however, face masks cause the wearer to re-inhale their own exhaled air, including bacteria that gather in the stale zone between the mouth and the mask. This can lead to “psychological and physical deterioration as well as multiple symptoms described [as] Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome” (Kisielinski et al., 2021). These include increase in breathing resistance, increase in blood carbon dioxide, decrease in blood oxygen saturation, increase in heart rate, increase in blood pressure, decrease in cardiopulmonary capacity, increase in respiratory rate, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, headache, dizziness, feeling hot and clammy, decreased ability to concentrate, decreased ability to think, drowsiness, decrease in empathy perception, impaired skin barrier function with itching, acne, skin lesions and irritation, and general fatigue and exhaustion.

Mask wearers, therefore, face an internal struggle arising from their consent to an absurd, medically senseless practice (Jefferson et al., 2023) which they must instinctively know to be harmful. Mask wearing is a filthy habit (because of the recycled bacteria) and a form of self-harm (physically and psychologically). The sight of people with the mask below their nose or chin was all too common and is evidence that mask wearing is widely experienced as unpleasant and oppressive. Consenting to wearing a face mask under these circumstances is perverse and masochistic.

“It’s just a piece of cloth,” mask proponents claim, yet, “millions of people are considerably more tormented by facemasks than what we would expect is reasonable or even possible for something that is indeed merely an ‘inconvenience.’” Even so, Hertzberg (2021) continues, “few people are able to work out for themselves what about [face masks] is so abusive or terrible.” This is because of the hidden psychological warfare functions that face masks serve. In Johnson’s (2020, § 5.2) view, they constitute a “form of psychological torture—a form of domestic terrorism, as it has been carried out on the general population, not in a few isolated cases.” A diabolical poster by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust shows a “kissing” couple, hooded and masked, with the strap line “We really need to see less of each other” (Rix, 2021), consistent with CIA methods. Face masks additionally serve to inculcate fear, train obedience, signal conformity, create an absurd/alien reality, dehumanise and deindividuate the wearer, and are a marker of cult allegiance (see Volume 2 of this book). Because they work on so many different levels at once, they represent an extremely potent, and evil, instrument of psychological warfare. The fact that virtually all states mandated their use for no sound scientific reason (Eugyppius, 2023) is one of numerous indicators that a transnational deep state (Hughes, 2022) is now at war with humanity.

little girl wearing a mask
The most recent sight that broke my heart, even now while writing, in Bangkok. I tried to gently tell the mother it was harming her daughter. I pray for a butterfly effect.



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