The power of purpose and habits
This inspiring 6-paged document sent to me long ago by my Irish buddy David Mc Gettigan got merged in my brain with the quote below from Wim Hof:
In "The common denominator of success" Albert Gray says:
The common denominator of success --- the secret of success of every man who has ever
been successful --- lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures
don't like to do.
Many men with whom I have discussed this common denominator of success have said at
this point, "But I have a family to support and I have to have a living for my family and
myself. Isn't that enough of a purpose?"
No, it isn't. It isn't a sufficiently strong purpose to make you form the habit of doing the
things you don't like to do for the very simple reasons that it is easier to adjust ourselves
to the hardships of a poor living than it is to adjust ourselves to the hardships of making a
better one. If you doubt me, just think of all the things you are willing to go without in
order to avoid doing the things you don't like to do. All of which seems to prove that the
strength which holds you to your purpose is not your own strength but the strength of the
purpose itself.
Read it for yourself here :) Enjoy and good luck.