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Fattening fat propaganda and seafood

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

Concerning diet my biggest focus is to get a lot of omega 3 (especially the component DHA) and primarily from seafood when possible. To understand why seafood should be at the top of the food pyramid see the next section of this post. First here is some interesting history to explain why many people have been fooled into poisoning themselves with the wrong fats. To learn what else I do for my health go to:

Fat propaganda

Fiat Foods

Industrialization has made it possible to use plants to mass-produce substances that humans had never before digested. But just because something can be produced does not mean it should be eaten. However, since these foods are cheap, there will always be a strong financial incentive to convince large groups of people to eat them. The most successful of these products are highly palatable and addictive. These drugs and toxic industrial products have been foisted upon the world through a century of heavy propaganda and government policy—all financed by fiat money.

1. Polyunsaturated and Hydrogenated “Vegetable” and Seed Oils

A century ago, the majority of fats humans consumed consisted of healthy animal fats like butter, ghee, tallow, lard, and schmaltz. Today, most fat consumption comes in the form of toxic, heavily processed industrial chemicals misleadingly referred to as “vegetable oils.” These are mainly soy, rapeseed, sunflower, and corn, as well as the abomination that is margarine. The diet change that would likely cause the largest improvement in a person’s health with the least effort is the substitution of these horrific industrial chemicals for healthy animal fats.

Most of these chemicals did not exist one hundred years ago, and those that did were mainly deployed in industrial uses, such as lubricants. As industrialization spread and the government stoked hysteria against animal fats, these toxic chemicals have been promoted worldwide by governments, doctors, nutritionists, and their corporate sponsors as the healthy alternative. The spread of this sludge across the world, replacing all the traditional fats used for millennia, is an astounding testament to the power of government propaganda hiding under the veneer of science. The late Dr. Mary Enig of the Weston Price Foundation has written extensively on the different kinds of fat and their impact on health.

4. Low-Fat Foods

The insane notion that animal fats are harmful has spurred the creation of many substitutes for fatty foods that contain low or no fat. Without delicious animal fat, these products all become tasteless and unpalatable. Food producers quickly discovered that the best way to make them palatable was to introduce sugars. Those who try to avoid animal fat because of dietary guidelines will find themselves hungry more often. They need to binge on endless doses of sugary snacks all day, junk food that contains lots of chemicals and artificial, barely edible (or pronounceable) compounds. As the consumption of animal fat declined, the consumption of sweeteners, particularly HFCS, increased as a flavor substitute. But the addictive nature of these substitutes means that people deprived of wholesome, satiating animal fats end up being

constantly hungry and are more likely to resort to eating large quantities of the cheap industrial alternatives.

The popularization of fat-free skim milk has been one of the most destructive battles in the crusade against saturated fats. In the early twentieth century, American farmers used the leftovers from the production of butter to fatten their pigs, as combining it with corn provided the quickest way to fatten a hog. Through the magic of the fiat scientific method, corn

with skimmed milk ended up being the human breakfast recommended, promoted and subsidized by fiat authorities, with the same fattening result. John Kellogg, another devout Seventh-day Adventist and a follower of Ellen White, viewed sex and masturbation as sinful, and his idea of a healthy diet was one that would stifle the human sex drive. He was correct and astoundingly successful in marketing his favorite breakfast to billions worldwide.

- "The Fiat Standard" by Professor Saifedean Ammous.

Omega 3 (EPA & DHA)

Below is a copy of a facebook post by Dr. Jack Kruse. I can very highly recommend his book "Epi-Paleo Rx". The summary is that you need a lot more seafood :)

Why was the Epi-Paleo Rx written? Because over 1000 papers link DHA to optimized health. This is now the 17th metanalysis to back up my intuition that if you want to be healthy you need. DHA electrons to capture all that sunlight. That is the photoelectric effect 101 wisdom at work. This is a study of association, but well-conducted, and robust data that confirms over 1000 other studies on DHA. The findings inside this paper suggest that higher circulating levels of marine n-3 PUFA are associated with a lower risk of premature death. DHA has not been replaced one time in 650 million years of evolution on Earth. That record should tell you something but even today we have ignorant people telling you seafood should be avoided. We have to stop making these ignorant people famous.

The smallest or seemingly least important of things must be done because everything in the Universe is connected. Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on. Someone must do the initial work to get a job done. Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance. They are both needed to accomplish the task. Past, Present, and Future are all connected.

Imagine that. 17 years and running I have been saying.........are you listening?

Professor Michael Crawford is the research director of the Mother and Child Foundation and the a pioneer in brain chemistry and the links to mental health. Current research projects funded by the Mother & Child Foundation focus on maternal nutrition and health with the aim of enhancing maternal health, nutrition and happiness and at the same time arresting and reversing the present climb in mental ill-health amongst children.

Research demonstrates that omega-3 fatty acids exert a multitude of effects on health and aging, including:

  • Reducing heart disease-related mortality by as much as 25 percent

  • Preventing age-related macular degeneration and improving night vision

  • Reducing DNA damage, oxidative stress, and influencing various biomarkers of aging

  • Reducing muscle loss in older adults

  • Influencing infant brain development

  • Protecting against damage from fine particulate air pollution exposure

  • Increasing hypothalamic neurogenesis in animal models

  • Ameliorating or reducing olfactory losses

  • Increasing verbal IQ in children

  • Reducing preterm birth

  • Improving clinical outcomes in COVID-19, possibly via induction of interferons.

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